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Denver Art Museum: Have a Seat: Mexican Chair Design Today Exhibit

You know how they have signs in art museums saying don’t sit on the chairs because they’re part of the exhibition, not for resting? And you feel that the sign is provoking you cause you’ve been standing for so long looking at art. Well, this time around, you can sit. At the Have a Seat…

Golden Legacy: Original Art From 80 Years of Golden Books Exhibit

Besides Dr. Seuss, most readers since the 1940s grew up with Golden Books. We borrowed them from our local libraries, noticing the doggy-eared pages of countless other readers, or we had a library of them, with the gold spines shining from the bookshelves. From The Pokey Little Puppy to Richard Scary’s, Golden books have left…

Tanya Marcuse: Laws of Nature

We all learn about the laws of nature, such as Newton’s law of gravity or the laws of motion, understanding that the world only works on these guidelines and that most of the time, you don’t see it. Unlike gravity, in Tanya Marcuse’s display, you can see the process of decay, layer upon layer, acting…

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